Saturday, December 20, 2008

The beginning

Well, school's out for summer. School's out forever! Only to begin again in about a month in Eritrea!

Steve and I are setting up this blog as a kind of social experiment. We both became teachers at the same time, both are currently a bit worn down from the pressures of teaching in Australia today and both going to use our educational know how overseas. Only difference is he's going to bustling Shangai, China- part of the developing world, and i'm headed to Barentu, Eritrea- part of the underdeveloped world. He leaves in a few days, I leave in a month. 

This blog will document our experiences from our perspective regions and we're thinking it should make interesting reading for those interested in teaching, life overseas or just those with a spare 5 minutes and nothing better to do.

1 comment:

  1. I am very interested in hearing all about both your adventures. How exciting and scary all rolled into one! I look forward to reading the next chapter!!!
    Take care.
